I’m 50 years old and find myself increasingly working with Generation Z.
Generation Z, generally defined as those born between 1997 and 2012, grew up as digital natives. They’ve been surrounded by the internet, smartphones, and social media as an integral part of their daily lives. As a result, their values and behaviors are strongly influenced by technological advancements and the immediacy of information.
This generation places a high value on diversity and individuality. They tend to embrace differences in gender, culture, and religion, and they show a strong awareness of social issues. They are highly concerned about environmental problems and social justice, and they often reflect these values in their daily choices. For instance, they opt for sustainable products and practice ethical consumption whenever possible.
While they benefit from digital technology, they also face challenges such as information overload and social media fatigue. They’re required to hone their ability to discern trustworthy sources and often prioritize reliable information and communities. They prefer short-form content, like videos and memes, which differ from traditional media formats.
When it comes to work and careers, Generation Z prioritizes self-expression and flexibility. Rather than pledging loyalty to a single company, they focus on personal growth, job satisfaction, and working environments that suit their needs. They’re particularly interested in non-traditional work styles, such as remote work or freelancing.
My children fall into this Generation Z category, and I regret not encouraging them to read more books since they’ve grown up with YouTube from a very young age. Unlike my own upbringing, where I read extensively, their era places less emphasis on deep reading and more on quickly reaching valuable information. In this age, the competition isn’t about who can think the longest but who can access the best information the fastest.
Back in the day, older generations used to say, “Kids these days…” But now, to keep up with today’s young people, you simply cannot afford to ignore the digital world. I find myself deeply impressed that my 75-year-old father is still actively involved in the IT industry—something I greatly admire these days.