商号 株式会社ASAP(エーエスエーピー)
代表 及川知也
メンバー構成 システムエンジニア/プログラマ/Webデザイナー/ライター/文字チェッカー/テスター など
設立年月日 2013年5月27日(12期目)
資本金 5,000,000円
本店所在地 〒106-0045 東京都港区麻布十番1-2-7 ラフィネ麻布十番 701(登記上)
開発拠点 神奈川県横浜市、オーストラリアシドニー(オフショア開発)
電話番号 迷惑電話防止のため、名刺交換した方や仕事関係者以外にはお伝えしておりません
取引銀行 りそな銀行芝支店
事業内容 1.情報処理システムの企画開発及び設計


English Version


Our company also conducts business targeting overseas clients and foreign nationals residing in Japan. If you are considering expanding your business in Japan or facing communication challenges in doing so, please feel free to contact us. Our staff based overseas will assist you.

Company Name ASAP Inc. (ASAP)
Representative Tomoya Oikawa
Team Composition System Engineers / Programmers / Web Designers / Writers / Proofreaders / Testers, etc.
Establishment Date May 27, 2013 (12th fiscal year)
Founded: September 2004, temporarily dormant in January 2012, later incorporated
Capital ¥5,000,000
Head Office Location 701 Rafine Azabu Juban, 1-2-7 Azabu Juban, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0045, Japan
Development Bases Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; Sydney, Australia (Offshore Development)
Phone Number
Banking Partners Resona Bank, Shiba Branch
Mizuho Bank, Shiba Branch
Business Activities

1.Planning, development, and design of information processing systems
2.Server management and operational support for information processing systems
3.Planning, production, and sales of websites and smartphone/tablet sites
4.Website traffic analysis and analytics services
5.Domestic and international customer acquisition support through websites
6.Translation services and related content planning and production
7.Creation of web articles and interview articles


