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It’s a fact that most people don’t take action. I’ve had my share of things I didn’t follow through on, but I did manage to start my own business. Over the years, I’ve encountered countless salaried workers who said, “I want to start my own business,” yet never did.

When working with clients, I’ve often found that even when I clearly explain how the project they’re commissioning addresses their needs, many still shy away, saying things like, “It doesn’t suit us,” or, “The cost is too high.” Because so many people hesitate to act, those who do take the leap inevitably achieve results. Those who don’t take action rarely stick with anything long enough to see results, so they fall back on their old ways. They could make progress if only they tried.

The reasons people don’t act can be categorized in several ways. One major reason is a lack of motivation. When the purpose of a task isn’t clear or fails to resonate, it’s hard to take action. If the benefits of acting aren’t tangible or compelling enough, hesitation is natural. A lack of interest can also play a significant role.

Another common obstacle is fear and anxiety. The fear of failure can paralyze people, as can the concern about how others might judge them. Uncertainty about the outcome can also be a powerful deterrent.

Environmental factors can also play a role. Lack of time, insufficient resources or information, and a lack of support from others can all make it difficult to move forward. On the flip side, excessive expectations or pressure from others can also weigh people down and discourage action.

Finally, ingrained habits and thought patterns often hold people back. Starting something new can feel like too much effort, and past experiences of failure can lead to self-doubt. These factors combine in various ways to create the inertia that prevents action.

Interestingly, having a large number of people who don’t take action can be advantageous in business. If you surround yourself with people who remain stuck at the “I should do it” stage, your own growth will be stunted. Whether you become part of the 90% who don’t act or the 10% who do is entirely up to you.

