Thankfully, since March began, we have been receiving project introductions and quotation requests, making us wonder what was going on in February when things were so quiet. Now, we are busy every day.
One of the ways I gauge how busy I am is by looking at how often I go out and how much time I spend staying in to write articles.
Naturally, as appointments increase, I go out more. Likewise, when I have more writing or production work, I spend more time indoors. Both are essential aspects of my work, so if one decreases significantly, I start to feel uneasy.
The other day, I was speaking with a client I have a good relationship with, and they mentioned that in small and medium-sized businesses, “if the president doesn’t take action personally, the business won’t function properly.” Many employees in such companies tend to think, “The president will take care of it,” or “The president will clean up the mess if something goes wrong.” I was no exception when I was younger.
However, after starting my own company, I truly realized that every decision and action must be taken by myself. Of course, I can delegate tasks—tax matters to an accountant, development to an engineer—but ultimately, I am the one responsible for making requests and verifying the results.
There are companies where the leadership merely delegates everything without being involved, but such companies tend to disappear sooner or later. The ones that survive are mostly those where the president actively participates. I’d like to continue working closely with companies like that.