
今年1月の有効求人倍率は4か月ぶりに上昇し、前の月から0.01ポイント高い「1.26倍」でした。 厚生労働省によりますと、仕事を探している人1人に対し何人分の求人があるかを示す今年1月の有効求人倍率は「1.26倍」でした。前の月から0.01ポイント増え、4か月ぶりの上昇です。





The Job-to-Applicant Ratio for January This Year Rises to 1.26 for the First Time in Four Months

The job-to-applicant ratio for January this year has risen for the first time in four months, increasing by 0.01 points from the previous month to 1.26. According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the job-to-applicant ratio for January, which indicates how many job openings exist per job seeker, stood at 1.26. This represents a 0.01-point increase from the previous month, marking the first rise in four months.

The job-to-applicant ratio is an important indicator that shows the number of job openings available per job seeker and is used to assess the balance of supply and demand in Japan’s labor market. This figure is published monthly in the “General Employment Placement Situation” report by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and is a key metric for understanding economic and employment conditions.

The ratio is calculated by dividing the number of job openings by the number of job seekers. A ratio of 1.0 means that the number of job seekers and job openings are equal. If the ratio exceeds 1.0, it indicates a labor shortage with more job openings than job seekers, whereas a ratio below 1.0 signifies a challenging job market where there are more job seekers than available positions.

When the economy is strong, companies actively hire, causing the job-to-applicant ratio to rise. Conversely, during economic downturns, companies reduce hiring, leading to a decline in the ratio. Naturally, the situation varies significantly by industry and region. While the construction and caregiving industries tend to have a high demand for workers, office jobs remain highly competitive due to a lower ratio.

Additionally, it is often heard that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to attract talent. If SMEs continue to function merely as a safety net for large corporations, they will never attract top talent. Of course, SMEs may not have the luxury of being selective when hiring, but retaining employees should be their top priority. Before anything else, they must develop the ability to assess candidates’ skills and capabilities during the document screening stage.
