





It seems like the word “jono” (contribution or payment) has been making headlines a lot recently, often with negative connotations attached. But what does “jono” actually mean at its core?

“Jono” refers to the act of providing money or goods to a higher-ranking individual or organization within a structured relationship or hierarchy. Historically, this concept was commonly seen in hierarchical systems like feudal Japan or the Edo period. During those times, local lords and feudal domains would submit taxes or resources to the shogunate or other higher authorities as part of an established system.

“Jono” often carried a strong sense of obligation but could also be a formal or customary gesture. For instance, in the Edo period, farmers would offer a portion of their harvest to local lords, who in turn would pass on a portion to the shogunate through a multi-layered tax system. These contributions were not limited to money—they could include local specialties, manpower, or even specific technologies or weapons.

In modern times, the term “jono” is still used, though its meaning has shifted from its historical context. Today, it often refers to payments or contributions within organizations or groups. For example, a department within a company might allocate part of its earnings to the headquarters, or an organization may send funds or resources to its upper-level management.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the word carries a particularly positive image today. Seeing the daily news coverage, I can’t help but feel embarrassed that I once aimed to work at this TV station during my high school and college years. Perhaps it wasn’t always like this in the past.



Categories: 雑学