給料を上げて大丈夫? 若手社員を中心に“賃上げの波”、一方で世代間に“格差”も…不遇すぎる“氷河期世代”
Is It Okay to Raise Salaries? The “Wave of Pay Increases” Among Younger Workers and the Generational Gap – The Unfortunate “Ice Age Generation”
The so-called “employment ice age generation” is often discussed, but we still found jobs and worked hard. Compared to us, I sometimes wonder about the younger generation of YouTubers and think, “Is that really a job?” So, even if people say the ice age generation was unfortunate, I don’t really feel anything about it. How one perceives this article largely depends on who wrote it.
If it was written by someone from our own generation, it would just come across as, “Yeah, we had it tough.” But if it was written by someone from a different generation, especially younger people, it feels like an insult to the ice age generation. I’m reminded of the generation just above us, often referred to as the “bubble generation,” who were hired during the economic bubble despite not necessarily being capable. In fact, many of them weren’t any more competent than us, yet they acted superior despite their lack of skills.
On the other hand, the ice age generation was often told, “If you can’t do the job, there are plenty of replacements.” That environment pushed many of us to work diligently. Of course, there are exceptions, like the Fuji TV producer recently in the spotlight, who seems to have let success get to his head.
The media often operates by highlighting someone’s story while tearing others down. Right now, Masahiro Nakai is being criticized. While he’s under fire, he’s certainly not the only one, yet the media will attack him until his work dries up, and perhaps even until he’s utterly destroyed. Hitoshi Matsumoto might face the same fate someday.
Mainstream media needs to stop labeling the ice age generation as “unfortunate.” This news piece is typical of N-Sta, hosted by Chiaki Horan, but when Horan says things like this, it sounds as if she’s pitying an older generation by saying, “Oh, poor thing.”