久保建英が人種差別被害 試合中にスタンドから罵声…レアル・ソシエダが抗議の声明「侮辱を強く非難する」





Takefusa Kubo Suffers Racial Abuse: Verbal Taunts from the Stands During a Match… Real Sociedad Issues a Statement Condemning the Insults

Racial discrimination seems to be something that anyone who has lived in the West has experienced to some extent. I myself studied abroad in the United States and had confrontations with my roommate. While it may stem from white supremacy, unfortunately, it’s a reality we face. One of my roommates, who was of Arab descent, once mentioned that he didn’t care about such things. However, even in societies that promote diversity, there are those who refuse to embrace it, which makes maintaining a certain distance unavoidable.

Acts of discrimination often include gestures like “pulling back the corners of one’s eyes to mock the shape of Asian eyes” or “mimicking exaggerated and unnatural bows to ridicule Japanese cultural etiquette.” The former seems particularly common. The latter, however, tends to occur only when it’s clear someone is Japanese. For many Westerners, distinguishing between Japanese, Chinese, or Korean people is often a challenge.

It makes one wonder—will this world ever rid itself of such discrimination?


Categories: 雑学