




Today marks 30 years since the Great Hanshin Earthquake. At the time of the earthquake, I was already living in Tokyo, but I remember trying to call a high school classmate who was attending Kinki University, only to find that I couldn’t get through. Living in the Kanto region, my memories of the Great East Japan Earthquake are closer and more vivid, but the images of collapsed highways from the Hanshin Earthquake still come to mind. It makes me wonder about the safety of high-rise condominiums. Earthquake resistance standards are just human-made rules, after all, and my experience of intense swaying on the upper floors during the Great East Japan Earthquake—when I was on the 14th floor—left me skeptical. That’s why I now live in a low-rise apartment.

At 20 years old back then, I’m now 50. Thankfully, no one in my family was lost in a disaster like that, but reading stories on Yahoo News today, I can’t help but feel for those children who lost their parents in the earthquake. Now that I’m a parent myself, I imagine how proud those parents would be to see their children, now grown and raising families of their own, even if the kids are a bit cheeky these days.

The company I met with today, Hotei Industrial Research (led by President Takumi Shiraishi), is engaged in activities to clean water using bio-products. For instance, they explained how these products could be used in self-defense force-operated baths for people who lost access to bathing facilities after a disaster. By using bio-products, the water can be kept clean, allowing it to be used longer—a valuable solution when water is scarce. Their products also prevent mold and remove odors from laundry, offering an eco-friendly alternative to chemical agents.

Currently, we are working on their website, which is scheduled to launch at the end of January.




Categories: 雑学