東京海上日動、初任給最大41万円 来春入社の大卒、転勤が条件
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance announced on the 10th that it would raise the starting salary for university graduates joining in April 2026 to a maximum of approximately 410,000 yen.
It’s impressive to see such moves from major companies, but this isn’t something small to medium-sized businesses can easily replicate. After all, funds for salaries have to come from somewhere—either from clients, internal resources, or investments.If the costs are passed on to clients, service fees will increase. On the other hand, pulling resources from within might mean someone losing their job, and even if the starting salary is high, those who fail to deliver results could still face termination. In a way, it’s a harsh and unforgiving world.
When I received my first paycheck, I recall it being somewhere in the low 100,000s after deductions (laughs). Of course, I’ve worked hard to improve my earnings since then, but seeing figures like this makes me think I should aim even higher.
I don’t think I’ll lose to younger generations, and I must never forget to keep striving upward. Naturally, if I fail to meet the demands of the market, it’s game over.