そんな意味で、『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス』というアニメは非常おすすめ。デジタルに管理される社会では、人間が生まれながらにして、どのような人生を送ればいいかが決められてしまい、数値基準(犯罪係数)を越えると犯罪者、犯罪予備軍として裁かれる。そんな社会が100年後にあるといった内容ですが、今の子供たちは小さいながらに自分の人生を決められているように感じています。
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is considering formally recognizing digital textbooks, which are currently regarded as “alternative teaching materials” to paper textbooks. Under the proposed system, local boards of education would decide whether to use paper or digital textbooks, introducing a “choice-based” approach. If implemented, some students may end up learning exclusively with digital textbooks. This marks a significant shift in the foundation of school education and is expected to spark widespread debate.
Discussions on the digitization of textbooks gained attention around 2010, but as of 2025, we have yet to see a complete transition to digital textbooks for children. While my middle school-aged son carries a laptop to school daily, and my younger son, an elementary school student, uses an iPad provided by his school (which he recently damaged), these developments highlight the challenges of digital adaptation. One cannot ignore that there are likely companies benefiting financially from this push for digitalization—just as there are companies profiting from printing paper textbooks.
However, the shift to digital presents numerous concerns. Prolonged screen exposure strains the eyes, which may not seem problematic for young individuals but could lead to significant discomfort as they age. Additionally, the reduced frequency of handwriting could impair children’s ability to write neatly or learn kanji effectively, as I’ve observed in my own children.
Another issue is the declining interest in reading books among children today. Through my observations during middle school entrance exam research, I’ve noticed that students from top-performing schools tend to have strong reading habits. With the rise of digital technology, however, the trend of children reading less may become even more pronounced, potentially hindering intellectual development and causing societal regression.
Reflecting on this, the anime PSYCHO-PASS comes to mind. It portrays a future society where people’s lives are pre-determined by digital systems based on numerical standards (e.g., “crime coefficients”), with individuals labeled as criminals or pre-criminals if they exceed certain thresholds. Similarly, today’s children might already be experiencing a kind of digital control, as their futures are shaped by the systems around them.