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“Business Experts” Consulting Firms Hit Record High in Bankruptcies: Increasingly Sophisticated Client Needs and Required Expertise Accelerate Shakeout
In 2024, bankruptcies in the “management consulting” industry reached 154 cases (a 7.6% increase year-on-year), surpassing the 143 cases in 2023, which had been the highest annual figure since records began. The consulting industry is known for its low barriers to entry, as it requires minimal startup capital and can often be operated solo. However, despite its accessibility, the post-pandemic era has placed renewed emphasis on proven track records and unique expertise. As a result, the industry has seen an accelerated shakeout in its ranks.
This kind of news often appears on platforms like Yahoo News, but it’s nothing new. I’ve seen countless companies and sole proprietors who claim to specialize in management consulting, and none of them seem to have any real-world business experience. They merely experiment with textbook marketing and management theories at companies willing to hire them, regardless of whether the results are good or bad.
Marketing consultants are no exception.
If a company has to rely on external management expertise to that extent, perhaps it’s better not to run a business at all. Why should someone who doesn’t fully understand their own company’s situation have to take advice based solely on numbers from a consultant? I’ve even heard stories of consultants who get angry, saying things like, “You’ll be in trouble if you don’t do this,” or “Why aren’t you doing this?” Many business owners feel like it’s none of the consultant’s business to make such remarks.
For consultants, having the companies they rely on for their livelihood go bankrupt should be a significant problem. The irony of the rising number of bankruptcies in their own industry is almost laughable. The old adage says, “Learn a trade,” but management consultants often lack any tangible skills.
To those companies employing management consultants, be cautious.