




There is no such thing as a 100% perfect job—mistakes and omissions are bound to happen. That’s simply an inevitable part of working. Even major banks experience system failures, and even the renowned J〇 occasionally has issues with uncoupling.

The real issue is not the failure itself, but how you recover from it. The ability to quickly identify the cause of failure and determine the best course of action for recovery is crucial. Moreover, acknowledging the mistake openly and taking responsibility while implementing a solution is what truly matters.

Naturally, some people who can only see the immediate problem may react with rage or even resort to intimidation. Sometimes, even those who appear mild-mannered can turn out to be unexpectedly aggressive—almost like a gangster. However, losing your temper in response means losing the battle. The key is to stay calm and composed. If you meet anger with anger, the situation will only spiral out of control.

There’s no need to get into a fight as a grown adult, but when dealing with such people, it’s essential to have an ace up your sleeve. What that ace is, however, is a company secret. (Laughs.) My father taught me this trick, and I’ve only had to use it once.

