「喫茶店」の倒産急増、2024年度は過去最多ペース 「コーヒー豆高騰」も打撃
The number of coffee shop bankruptcies has been rapidly increasing. In the 2024 fiscal year (from April 2024 to March 2025), there have already been 66 bankruptcies of coffee shops (with liabilities over 10 million yen and undergoing legal procedures) by February. This is more than 1.5 times the number of bankruptcies in the previous fiscal year (68 cases) and is on track to exceed the 2018 fiscal year total of 73 cases. Over 80% of the bankrupt coffee shops were small and medium-sized businesses with a capital of less than 10 million yen.
Since I work a lot on my computer, I usually visit a coffee shop at least every other day. However, the absolute condition for a café when having a meeting is that it must not be noisy. When visiting a café alone, the essential condition is that it must have Wi-Fi. The worst-case scenario is a noisy café without Wi-Fi. Also, it should not smell like cigarettes.
Of course, the availability of cafés varies depending on the town, and even chain cafés sometimes don’t have Wi-Fi. That’s when I realize right after entering whether it’s the right place or not, and I leave immediately. In rural areas, there are fewer chain cafés, while in city centers, chain cafés tend to be overcrowded. Choosing a café is a real challenge.
Today, I’ll be working at a café again. Since I’m preparing a proposal for a website, Wi-Fi is a must.