ミニディスク・通称MDが生産終了 1992年発売で一世風靡もiPodなど登場で“デジタル音楽の普及”進み需要減少
The MiniDisc (MD), which once took the world by storm after its launch in 1992, has now ceased production. The rise of digital music, driven by devices like the iPod, led to a decline in demand, marking the end of its era.
Everything is born and eventually disappears. Just as humans inevitably face death, products also have a lifespan. Even long-standing TV shows like Sazae-san and Doraemon will one day come to an end.
The rise and fall of things is the way of the world.
“Eiko seisui”, meaning prosperity and decline, describes the cyclical nature of success and failure, reflecting the course of history and life. Nations, businesses, and cultures that once flourished will eventually fade—it is an unavoidable fate.
From the victories and downfalls of samurai in Japan’s Sengoku era to the modern business world’s shifting fortunes, there are countless examples. While some may experience a resurgence, most do not. Acknowledging the reality of eiko seisui allows us to remain humble, adapt to change, and forge new paths forward. Understanding history and its patterns can foster both personal and organizational growth.
Everything we do today will one day come to an end. Nothing lasts forever. When you sense a shift in the tide, it’s likely a sign that change is due. That is the moment to take the leap—whether it’s your job, clients, company, relationships, or environment.