There are always some people who use half-width katakana, but honestly, it is a type of character that I would prefer not to be used.
When working on website development or system design, I often find myself wishing that people would stop using half-width katakana. To be frank, I can’t help but say that it looks “uncool.”
The differences between half-width katakana and full-width katakana are not just about appearance; they also have different use cases and historical backgrounds. The most obvious difference is the width of the characters. Full-width katakana is displayed at the same width as kanji and hiragana, while half-width katakana takes up only half that space. As a result, when mixed with full-width characters in a sentence, half-width katakana appears narrower, disrupting the visual balance.
Readability is another important factor. Similar-looking characters such as “シ,” “ツ,” “ソ,” and “ン” can be difficult to distinguish when written in half-width. Full-width katakana ensures even spacing, making it easier to read, whereas half-width katakana tends to have condensed spacing, reducing legibility.
The spread of half-width katakana can be traced back to the limitations of early computer systems. In the past, computers and word processors had limited memory, so reducing data size was a priority. Using half-width katakana allowed for more efficient data storage. This legacy can still be seen in certain systems and old font specifications.
However, in modern Japanese writing, full-width katakana has become the standard. Especially in business documents and official paperwork, full-width katakana is the preferred choice, while half-width katakana is generally avoided. This is because maintaining consistency is considered important. Full-width katakana blends more naturally with hiragana and kanji, preserving the visual appeal and readability of Japanese text.
That said, half-width katakana has not completely disappeared. Some industries still use it, particularly in computer systems and legacy formats that have been carried over. It can also be found in certain contexts, such as video game score displays and online bulletin boards, where it is intentionally used to save space or create a retro aesthetic.
Even so, using half-width katakana in general writing can make text harder to read and give the impression that it is outdated due to old system influences. Additionally, using half-width katakana in emails or on websites can lead to character encoding issues, causing text to become garbled. This problem is especially common in international systems, where half-width katakana may not display correctly, increasing the risk of miscommunication.
Considering these factors, it is generally best to use full-width katakana in everyday writing and professional settings. Unless there is a specific reason or context that justifies its use, half-width katakana should be avoided for the sake of readability and consistency.