- 市販のTOEIC公式問題集を時間通りに解く
- セクション別の時間配分を確認
だから単語はおろそかにしない。一番つまらないし、時間がかかります。長文なんて単語知っていれば選択肢が透けて見えます。単語を舐めないでいただきたい。どんな単語帳がいいかは人それぞれですが、「TOEIC L&R TEST 出る単特急金のフレーズ」がおすすめでしょうね。
About 20 years ago, I worked with the TOEIC group, maintaining the official TOEIC website, creating TOEIC preparation books, and developing e-learning materials. I enjoy thinking about the best ways to approach TOEIC preparation. Compared to the past, the current operator of TOEIC, IIBC, has released far more practice materials. Back then, there were hardly any official practice tests available, so all we could do was rely on a few previous tests and tell students, “This is how you solve TOEIC questions.”
Nowadays, there are more opportunities to take the test, so even if your score is low, you can retake it relatively soon. However, retaking the test frequently comes with costs. Ideally, taking it once every two to three months seems like a good balance.
When it comes to improving your TOEIC score, it ultimately boils down to:
- Practicing with official TOEIC test books under timed conditions.
- Checking and managing your time allocation for each section.
For those who score poorly, time management is often the biggest issue.
This reminds me of what I’ve seen while covering middle school entrance exams. Test-takers often study diligently, and sometimes, whether or not they succeed depends on luck—whether the topics they studied actually appear on the test. However, if they lack sufficient practice, they won’t develop the ability to gauge how quickly they need to work to finish the test on time. That’s why they fail to reach the final questions.
If you want to achieve decent results, you need to develop the habit of completing all the questions within the test time limit. To do this, it’s essential to differentiate between the problems you can solve and those you can’t. Trying to answer every question perfectly is a strategy for those aiming for 990 points. Even then, it’s possible to score 990 without answering every question correctly.
Striving for perfection isn’t necessary for achieving a high score. However, this isn’t the case for those scoring below 700. Their foundation is often weak. To build a strong foundation, vocabulary is more important than grammar. In any language, vocabulary is the key. If you know enough words, you can read and listen effectively.
Therefore, don’t neglect vocabulary. It might be tedious and time-consuming, but it’s crucial. With sufficient vocabulary, you can almost “see through” the choices in reading sections. Don’t underestimate the importance of vocabulary. As for vocabulary resources, the best one depends on the individual, but I highly recommend “TOEIC L&R TEST 出る単特急 金のフレーズ” (TOEIC L&R TEST: The Ultimate Phrases Gold).